
旅行・温泉・観光  |その他の都道府県・海外


とことん遊ぶぞ 北海道! › 「息子」との思い出 › 素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて


素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて

Let's roll! "Daddy" and "Junior" embarked on a thrilling adventure to the magnificent Takino Suzuran Park, where the tulips bloom in all their glory. Well, no doubt the tulips are adorable, but let me tell you, seeing that radiant smile on "Junior"'s face is just as awesome, if not more.

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて
素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて

The tulips were a little late to the party this year, thanks to the persistent chill of Hokkaido. But boy, did they make up for it! They blossomed beautifully, flaunting their plump bulbs filled with dreams and vitality, having braved the harsh Hokkaido winter. They deserve a big shout-out—thank you, tulips!


Now, let me tell you something, folks. Takino Suzuran Park is "Pops'" number one spot for tulip enjoyment in all of Hokkaido. And the best part? It's just a breezy 30-minute drive from downtown Sapporo. Can you believe it? In just 30 minutes, you can go from the heart of the city to a place where you might encounter a wild bear deep in the mountains. That's Hokkaido for you—absolutely mind-blowing!

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて


Alright, let's dive into today's main event: the encounter with the tulips. Picture this—a vast expanse of tulips stretching as far as the eye can see. Sure, you can indulge in their cuteness and beauty, no problem there.

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて
素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて
素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて

But here's the kicker—each year brings new varieties, each offering a fresh wave of excitement. The tulips keep evolving in their shapes and colors, always striving to match "Pops'" taste. And let me tell you, the veteran tulips remain as cute as ever.

But here's what I want you to pay attention to—it's not just about the flowers' beauty. How about enjoying the incredible sense of naming that goes into these tulips? "Daydream," "Pretty Woman," "Happy Family," "Dancing Flames," "Momotaro," and the list goes on. Take a moment to appreciate the names while admiring the colors and forms. You'll sense the passion and creativity of the breeders, conveyed alongside the tulips' adorableness.

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて

Let's talk about the language of flowers. In English, tulips symbolize "charity and compassion," while in French, they represent "honesty, respect, and elegance," and even "a declaration of love." You know what, folks? I think "smiles" would be the perfect flower language for tulips.

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて

And here's the kicker—my "Junior" is absolutely smitten with tulips. He's becoming quite the wordsmith, if I may say so. It's like he inherited that romantic streak from someone, using such poetic expressions. When he saw the tulips shining brightly, he said, "They're like cups filled with sunlight." Man, I was moved. Can you believe he noticed how the tulips store the sun's radiance and shine? I'm truly grateful for my "Junior."

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて
I can't wait for next spring, when we can once again enjoy delightful encounters with tulips at Takino Suzuran Park. I want to keep making extraordinary memories with my "Junior." Tulips provide a long-lasting bloom, so it's not too difficult to time it just right. I urge all of you to head to Takino Suzuran Park and immerse yourselves in the beauty of tulips, creating those special moments with your families. It's an experience of a lifetime, folks!

Looking back on the many memories I have spent with my "son," I introduce you to the fascinating Hokkaido. Please understand that the information used is from the past and is not up-to-date.

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新緑の中で水と「息子」と戯れた初夏の一日 滝野すずらん公園にて
 新緑の中で水と「息子」と戯れた初夏の一日 滝野すずらん公園にて (2023-05-28 11:54)

Posted by 「とうちゃん」 at 09:17│Comments(0)「息子」との思い出

素敵なチューリップと出会った「息子」 滝野すずらん公園にて